
The reason this group was put together is pretty simple: to help each other out and build the South Asian community up, much in the same way other groups have.

That help can come in a lot of ways: advice, resources, investment opportunities, connections, job opportunities for our younger members or kids, a place to vent, as well as a place to rally members around a cause important to our community. 

The Network will meet quarterly. Often, it’s around a timely topic and/or with a significant speaker.

Again, welcome and if there are new members you think would be a good addition, please reach out.  We look forward to your contributions.

The Network Mission Statement

  • To create an expanding network of South Asian-American Professionals that will advocate, educate, and influence to insure its members and all Americans have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

  • To provide a platform for experts to engage with the group on topics of interest, concern, or urgency.

  • To forge pathways to success in areas of American society, that our community has traditionally been under-represented, by promoting member engagement and collaboration.